Chronic renal failure

Chronic renal failure (referred to as chronic renal failure) is caused by a variety of chronic kidney disease, severe damage results, showing the development of chronic, progressive uremia is the end stage of chronic renal failure. The main symptoms more characteristic of urine to oliguria, and finally to no urine, anemia, bleeding, Nvxue, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, mouth odor of urine, fatigue, lethargy, apathy, irritability, convulsions, coma, hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, pericarditis, dry skin, scaling, itching feeling, deep breathing, easy to secondary infection. According to the degree of renal dysfunction, chronic renal failure can be divided into four phases: decompensated renal function, azotemia, renal failure (uremia early) and end-stage renal failure (uremia late). In early renal dysfunction, clinical symptoms are not obvious, as the disease progresses, severe renal impairment, advanced the development of uremia, the symptoms will involve various body organs and tissues.
Chronic renal failure is a traditional Chinese medicine “off grid”, “Dysuria”, “Consumption,” “edema,” “back pain” and other areas.

[Etiology and pathology]
The pathogenesis in the kidney, and kidney, liver, spleen, stomach and other organs related. Long illness, caused by spleen and decay, gasification disorders, caused the water turbidity stay, toxic cloud congestion triple burner and finally minded fool, wind-induced liver, complicated by a variety of dangerous disease, life-threatening.

[Diagnostic points
1. Decompensated renal function, azotemia, urine output increased significantly more urine at night urine; uremia, oliguria, or no urine, edema.
(2) of the hematopoietic system symptoms of anemia, bleeding, Nvxue;
Digestive system, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, mouth with urine smell; cardiovascular system, hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, myocarditis, pericarditis, coronary heart disease;
Nervous system fatigue, dizziness, headache, apathy, lethargy, irritability, convulsions, coma; respiratory system deep breathing; movement system has bone pain, spontaneous fractures, arthritis and so on.
3 kidney function tests decreased endogenous creatinine clearance rate, serum creatinine, phenol red excretion test, urine concentration was significantly decreased dilution test.
4 blood electrolyte imbalance.

[Dialectical type]
1. Temper weakness symptoms: nausea, vomit, abdominal distension, anorexia, mouth sticky tasteless, or mouth pain, dry mouth, dry stool, looking Weidun, Shenpi tired limbs. Thick yellow greasy moss, pulse a few smooth.
Syndrome analysis: Spleen course of time, wet muddy, so, Yu and hot steam turbine abnormal movements, turbid evil Shang Ni, so the nausea, vomit, abdominal distension and anorexia; cloud in evil ways, then the mouth sticky and tasteless; hot junction at Next, the dry stool; Damp steam, burns body fluid, so the mouth pain, dry mouth; temper weakness, not cloth, scattered sun rising clear, so looking Weidun, Shenpi tired limbs; thick yellow greasy moss, pulse a few smooth is hot and humid in the resistance of the elephant.
2. Spleen deficiency symptoms: fatigue, fatigue, colds, not Sina food, vomiting water, mouth smell of urine, dirt, loose stools, urine long, aversion to cold, pale? S white or dark stagnation. Subdued body fat tongue, teeth marks, white moss and moist, pulse or moisten fine.
Syndrome analysis: spleen and kidney deficiency, not sufficient to support the limb muscles, so fatigue fatigue, colds; spleen health movement, health movement disorders, inability to maturity, it is not Sina food; voicing abnormal movements spit water dam d area, the mouth urine smell;
Kidneys water gasification, Division 2 will be, kidney qi and gasification less, so the dirt loose stool, urine long; yang failure, not to warm support, and the aversion to cold, pale? S white or dark lag; subdued body fat tongue, teeth marks, white moss and moist, pulse or moisten fine but spleen deficiency, signs of dampness intrinsic.
3. Spleen and kidney symptoms: Shenpi fatigue, waist and knees, moving the shortness of breath, dry mouth, dry lips, hands and feet of heat, or hot flashes afternoon, dry stools, oliguria, yellow, looking Shaohua. Red tongue, thin yellow greasy moss, pulse small bands.
Syndrome analysis: heat stay for long, of dry Shangyin, spleen and kidney Qi and Yin deficiencies finally to be seen Shenpi fatigue; kidney is weak waist; kidneys are not satisfied air, so moving the shortness of breath; the spleen and kidney deficiency, not Buzin moisten the skin and lips, dry mouth and lips so dry; Yin is heat, so it dysphoria hot afternoon, hot flashes;
Yinkui intestinal dry, then dry stool; kidney damp, the oliguria color yellow;
Spleen and kidney deficiency is nothing to loose microscopic transpiration cloth on the wing in surface, it is looking Shaohua;
Red tongue, thin yellow greasy moss, pulse with the number of spleen and kidney, hot and humid inside the stagnation of the levy.
4. Turbid Yin closed awakened symptoms: phlegm dampness, nausea, vomiting, no appetite, edema, oliguria, lethargy, through the clothing touching bed, gradually unconscious, face white dark stagnation, limbs not warm.
Pale tongue body fat, greasy moss, pulse Chen Huan.
Syndrome analysis: spleen lost health movement, phlegm heat brewing, it is phlegm dampness;
Stomach movements disorders, so the nausea and vomiting, not eating; spleen moisture inside the stop, kidney gasification negative, then the edema oliguria; turbid Yin Shang Ni, blind orifices, visible lethargy, through the clothing touching bed, unconscious; wet and dirty resistance, Qing Yang does not rise, there are dark white face stagnation; dampness yang, lost in the temperature dependent, it is not warm extremities; pale tongue body fat, greasy moss, pulse Chen Huan yang is weak, cloudy overcast obstruct Sheng’s like.

[And Treatment]
1. Temper weak rule is: the spleen dampness, and stomach heat.
Recipe: Xiangsha Liujunzi Wen Dan Tang and Coptis Decoction.
Codonopsis 12 grams 12 grams Atractylodes Yiyiren 15 grams 15 grams of yam wood Amomum 3 g 6 g 6 g Poria 12 g Coptis Pinellia 9 g 6 g Zhuru Citrus aurantium 9 g 3 g 6 grams of licorice subtraction with the disease : Shenpi tired limbs, plus 15 grams of astragalus to enhance the power of qi; mouth sticky tasteless, plus herb 12 grams, white cardamom 3 grams, 9 grams Hong Lei, to dampness; mouth pain, dry mouth, plus Scutellaria, Gardenia 9 grams each, to heat dampness; dry stools who increase the yellow 9 grams, to Xiere laxative.
2. Spleen deficiency rule is: Warming spleen, dampness down and dirty.
Recipe: Decoction Wenpi.
Codonopsis 12 grams Aconite 6 g ginger Epimedium 9 g 9 g 9 g Pinellia Magnolia 9 grams Citrus aurantium 12 g 6 g 9 Jiang Zhuru restraint 9 grams of rhubarb 6 grams of licorice subtraction with the disease: vomiting water, plus Gui 9 g, Poria 12 grams, the temperature of phlegm; the mouth of the urine smell, plus berberine 3 grams, 3 grams Evodia to Acrid bitter drop; not Sina food, plus Gallus gallus domesticus 6 grams, Divine Comedy 9 grams, to appetizers; loose stools dirt, add yam, Coix seed, 15 grams, the spleen to stop diarrhea.
3. Spleen and kidney treatment: Qi Yin, clear dampness stagnation.
Recipe: Zhi Bo Di Huang Tang Wen Dan Coptis Decoction.
Anemarrhena 12 grams Rehmannia habitat 9 g 9 g 9 g wolfberry fruit, dogwood nine grams of yam 15 Kedan Pi 9 grams berberine 6 grams Treats 9 g Poria 12 g Pinellia 9 g 6 g Zhuru Citrus aurantium 9 g 3 g licorice 6 grams of subtraction with the disease: Shenpi fatigue, plus 15 grams of astragalus, Codonopsis 12 grams, to qi; dysphoria hot afternoon, hot flashes, dry mouth, dry lips, plus Scrophulariaceae, Ophiopogon, Dendrobium, turtle version 9 grams each, to clearing away heat and fluid; constipated, plus 9 grams of hemp seed to laxative; oliguria yellow, plus psyllium 15 g (including fry), talc 30 grams, in order to heat diuresis.
4. Turbid Yin closed awakened.
Therapeutic: Xin Wen Huazhuo, Phlegm resuscitation.
Recipe: Phlegm Decoction Su Pill addition and subtraction.
Citrus Pinellia 9 g 3 6 g Jhuru Keke real 9 g Poria 12 g Radix Codonopsis 12 g bile Southern Star Iris 9 g 6 g 9 g Licorice 6 turmeric Akzo Pill 1 (warm water of the service) subtraction with the disease : nausea and vomiting, plus Jiang Zhuru 9 grams, to Jiangni vomiting; not eating, plus nutrition with 6 grams, 9 grams Divine Comedy to digestion; edema oliguria were open, plus Chen hyacinth, bamboo worms 9 grams, Alisma 15 grams, to facilitate the withdrawal of water swollen; coma, can be added treasure Dan a service to Huazhuo awakened.

[Chinese medicine]
1. Bailing capsule every four, three times a day.
2 capsules every four Jinshuibao, 3 times a day.
3 to 4 capsules each time, 3 times a day.

[Side] is simple
1 15 grams of astragalus, cooked tuber 9 grams, 30 grams of Salvia, Serissa 30 grams, Shuijianbi day one.

(2) 30 gram of water boiled green beans, sugar taken twice daily.

3. Cassia, 10 grams, mashed, add 500 grams of water, cook for 10 minutes, into the honey, 1 spoon, stir well to drink, day 1.

[] Other therapies
Acupuncture: Point Selection Shenshu, water, air sea, triple burner Yu, Sanyinjiao so, 1 day, 10 day cycle.
(1) Silky, or a broiler, and the other taking 30 grams of astragalus, Serissa 60 grams, wrapped with gauze into the chicken abdominal, add water to the soup after the crisp, go to Irazu, chicken soup.
(2) turtle 1, 30 grams yam medicine, medlar 9 grams, wrapped with gauze, one pot of boiled water, then go to Irazu, meat soup.
(3) 15 g white fungus, honey 50 grams, the fungus bubble open, along with the honey pot, add boiling people, after the amount of sugar consumed.
(4) 1 bottle of milk every morning fresh, apple 2.
Enema therapy: rhubarb, 30 grams, Serissa 30 grams, 30 grams of dandelion, red sage root 30 g, 30 g raw oysters, fry 200 ml liquid, retention enema.
Peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis. Kidney transplant may be considered necessary.

1 to active treatment of this disease, so that no decline in renal function; patients should pay attention to rest, infection prevention and control, control of blood pressure; mouth smell of urine, should gargle several times.
2 patients should be into the semi-liquid food and low-protein diet, get enough calories, vitamins, eat more fruits and vegetables; generally do not avoid salt, if Xu does not restrict access to water oliguria, to restrict salt intake (l ~ 3 g / day), strict control of water; not eat spicy and fishy sea, wine and other irritating things.
3 The disease stage a serious illness, but aggressive treatment, comparatively good prognosis;
Such as uremia has occurred, the prognosis is poor.