
Bronchitis is due to bacterial andviral infections, or physical, chemical factors stimulation of the trachea, bronchial mucosa inflammation. Often cough, expectoration, chest discomfort or pain, breathlessness and associated symptoms of the common cold as the main feature. According to duration of disease, can be divided into two types of acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis: course of the disease generally does not exceed one month, lesions confined to mucosa, healed completely restored mucosa structure and function of those, that acute bronchitis; where more than two course months, and the incidence of more than two consecutive years, the incidence of three consecutive months or a year or more, causing mucous membrane and surrounding tissue inflammation, called chronic bronchitis. Acute cases can occur at any age, those for adults with chronic and more. Disease more common in winter and spring seasons. If timely diagnosis and treatment of this disease, the prognosis is good. Bronchitis is a Chinese “cough”, “phlegm”, “asthma syndrome” and other areas.

Cause of pathological
Bronchitis causes are both internal and external factors: feelings of six evils of the outside because of the evil, invasion of Pulmonary, lung failure Xuan Su; internal organs from dysfunction within the evil committed, or lung from this virtual, complex sense of evils and lung is not the main gas, Su-down power, gas against the cough.
Pathological changes of the lung deficiencies, health and foreign dysfunction or disorder, six evils evils from the nose and mouth or fur infiltration, invasion of the lung system, caused the lung to be beam, lost in the Xuan Su; addicted to drinking alcohol, spicy fire to help products, burning Jin Sheng Tan, blocking the airway, can make the lung Shangni born cough, asthma embolism. As the evils of a different nature and strength of yin and yang of human Piansheng differences, so the performance of the symptoms on the cold, wind-heat, air dry so different. The impact of dysfunctional organs and lung, such as loss of brand health movement, gather the wet into the sputum, phlegm dry lung; kidney deficiency, loss of sodium intake air; Vital Huoshuai, water vapor can not be steaming for the sputum to drink, the airway obstruction; loss of kidney yin, virtual fire Chi, Jin lung burns may apply to lung failure purges, Yonge is not declared, lung Shangni cough, expectoration. In addition, since the patient’s lungs, often caused by delayed healing of various diseases, pulmonary system, lung weakness, vaginal injuries gas consumption, the main gas lung dysfunction, Su-down power, caused the lung Shangni for cough for sputum.

1 General first, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, headache, chills, fever and other upper respiratory tract infection symptoms.
2 as the main symptoms of cough, began to cough, over 1 to 2 days after the sputum. Chronic disease were more than two months per year, and for three years or more, the incidence of three consecutive months or a year or more.
3 chest auscultation breath sounds could be heard and rough, and even smell the wet and dry?? Sound. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema may have long hair of signs.
4.X-ray film thickening mostly normal or markings.

Dialectical type
l. passage of the lung cold symptoms: cough, sputum color white thin, itchy throat, may be associated with nasal congestion, runny nose, fever, headache, body Chu, chills embolism. Thin white tongue coating, floating or floating and tight pulse.
Symptoms analysis: cold evil Fanfei lung for the cold of the beam, Yonge and shall not be declared pass, lung Shangni see cough; lung awakened by the cold on the negative, the nasal congestion, runny nose, itchy throat for; Han Xie Yu lung, gas is not Buzin, condensed into the sputum, expectoration of white color so thin; cold Cou muscle outside the beam, so the body of Chu with headache, fever, chills, etc. Table cold syndrome; thin white tongue coating, floating or floating and tight pulse, for the cold in the table of the levy.
2. Fanfei wind-heat symptoms: cough, rough, cough unhappy, sticky or thick yellow phlegm, yellow nasal discharge is often accompanied by nasal discharge, headache, limb Chu, fever, aversion to wind and other micro-table card. Thin yellow tongue coating, floating pulse or Fu Hua.
Syndrome analysis: wind-heat Fanfei, cough, lung failure purges and rough; Hyperactivity disability allowance, you see the dry mouth and sore throat; Hyperactivity in Yu, steaming liquid into the sputum, expectoration so unhappy, viscous and sticky yellow nasal yellow tears flow; wind-heat guilty of the table, health form is not and, while other tables see fever evil wind heat syndrome; thin yellow tongue coating, floating pulse, are all wind-heat in the form of the levy.
3 hot lung injury symptoms: dry cough for choking, no less difficult to spit up phlegm or sputum, throat itching, pain in the throat, nose, lips dry, dry mouth, or with nasal congestion, headache, slightly cold, fever and other table card. Moss thin white or thin yellow, red tongue dry and less fluid, floating pulse, or decimal.
Syndrome analysis: wind dry lung injury, lung failure moist, so see for choking cough; hot burning Tianjin, the throat, nose and mouth dry, difficult to spit up sticky phlegm, dry mouth; air dry outside the off, and qi is not, then See nasal congestion, headache, slightly cold, fever and other table card; less-chun red tongue, floating pulse, the symptoms are hot flashes.
Seen in the above three types of acute bronchitis.
4 phlegm retention in the lung symptoms: recurrent cough, sputum color white, thick glaze, expectoration, chest tightness, abdominal swelling, anorexia, abdominal distension. Greasy tongue coating, slippery pulse, or How slippery.
Syndrome analysis: spleen wet phlegm, on the stains in the lung, Yonge lung, so cough, sputum, expectoration viscosity; card operation is not healthy, phlegm in the resistance, the chest abdominal swelling of the liver; temper, weakness, loss of operation of the Division Therefore, anorexia, abdominal distension; greasy tongue coating, slippery pulse, or Confucianism slip, the sign for the intrinsic phlegm.
5 Yu Lung phlegm symptoms: cough, shortness of breath, yellow sticky sputum, expectoration unhappy, hole constipation. Or greasy yellow tongue coating, slippery pulse.
Syndrome analysis: evil heat obstruct the lungs, burning Jin into the illness, Su-down power, caused the cough, shortness of breath, yellow sticky sputum; phlegm Yu steam, it is accompanied by dry mouth and constipation embolism; tongue yellow or greasy The number of heat in depression symptoms.
6 Qi and Yin Deficiency symptoms: cough, shortness of breath, low gas sound cowardly, weak low Ke Sheng, cough or sputum thin little Fanre dry mouth, throat negative, face flushing. Pale or red tongue stripping, rapid pulse.
Syndrome analysis: loss of the main gas lung deficiency, lung insufficient, see coughing, shortness of breath, low Kesheng weak; gas is not subsidized, so the thin expectoration; Lung-less, virtual fire burning, you see less cough, sputum, Fan dry mouth, throat negative, facial flushing; tongue stripping pink or red tongue, rapid pulse of Qi and Yin of the levy.
7 spleen deficiency symptoms: cough Erchuan, thin expectoration, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and even throat disease Woo, moving the heart palpitations, chills swollen feet, eat less waist and knees. Pale tongue, white coating, pulse.
Syndrome analysis: kidney deficiency, Vital Huoshuai, caused by lack of Spleen, Spleen virtual focus is in the transport disorders, moisture cohesion, on the stains on the lungs, blocking the airway, lung failure declared down, deficiency dam u see the loss of sodium intake air, so see cough, asthma embolism; spleen deficiency, lost in the warmth, transport right, see aversion to cold, swollen feet, eat less backache; tongue pale, tongue White, pulse are all spleen deficiency of the levy.
These four types found in chronic bronchitis.

And Treatment
1 cold attack the lungs rule is: Expel wind and cold, Xuanfei phlegm.
Recipe: Three-bend decoction.
Ephedra 6 grams almonds 10 grams 10 grams Peucedanum Nepeta Campanulaceae 6 grams of dried tangerine peel 10 g 6 g 6 grams of licorice subtraction with the disease: If the folder phlegm, cough and sputum viscosity, chest tightness, greasy moss, plus Pinellia 9 grams, thick Park 6 g, Poria 12 grams; heat to the cold stop, Ga cough, shortness of breath, like asthma, sticky sputum, thirst, upset, or thinking you were hot, add gypsum 30 g, Huang Qin 12 grams, Morus alba 12 grams, to clear solution in the table.
2 wind-heat Fanfei rule is: dispersing heat, Xuanfei phlegm.
Recipe: Sang Ju decoction.
Chrysanthemum 6 grams of mulberry leaves 10 grams 10 grams of almonds mint 3 g Forsythia 10 g Campanulaceae 6 grams of fresh reed rhizome 30 grams Arctium Peucedanum 10 grams 10 grams 6 grams of licorice subtraction with the disease: Hyperactivity filled, plus skullcap 12 grams, Anemarrhena 9 grams, to Qingfei Xiere; sore throat sound Ga who, with Shegan 9 g, red peony 10 grams, gold hanging lamp 12 grams, in order to heat Liyan; thermal lung injury allowance, dry mouth and throat , discretionary Ganan Adenophora 12 grams, TCS 12 grams, in order to heat fluid; summer heat by folder, plus six a casual 15 grams, Xian Heye 12 grams, hot hot weather to clear.
3 heat treatment of lung injury is: breeze clearing the lungs, moistening phlegm.
Recipe: Decoction Sang apricot.
Mulberry 10 grams almonds 10 grams lighter Dougu 10 as Tony Kernan Radix 12 g almonds 10 g 10 g 12 g melon baskets, leather Gardenia 9 grams 10 grams of skullcap skins 10 grams subtraction with the disease: severe heat, Zhuojia gypsum 30 g, Anemarrhena 12 grams to Qingfei Xiere; fluid and heavier, Jiamai winter 12 grams, 12 grams of bamboo king, to nourish Yin; sputum folder blood recipients, can be equipped with Rhizoma Imperatae 30 grams, to heat to stop bleeding.
4 Therapeutic phlegm retention in the lung: spleen dampness, Huatanzhike.
Recipe: Erchen combined three sons to support the pro-decoction.
Pinellia 9 g Poria 12 grams dried tangerine peel Magnolia 6 grams 6 grams 6 grams of licorice herb 6 Akzo sub 9 g Radish Seed Mustard Seed 10 g 12 g subtraction with the disease: Han Tan heavy, greasy, such as foam sputum, cold , plus ginger 6 grams, Asarum 6 grams, to warm the lung phlegm; chronic illness spleen, Shen Juan who Zhuojia Codonopsis 12 grams, 12 grams Atractylodes, Zhigancao 6 grams, spleen Qi.
5 Yu-lung phlegm rule: heat Su lung, Huatanzhike.
Recipe: Decoction Morus alba.
Morus alba 10 g Scutellaria Gardenia 10 g 12 g 9 g Pinellia as beta 9 grams almonds 12 grams Trichosanthes jen 12 Akzo sub 9 grams subtraction with the disease: fever worse, plus gypsum 30 g, Anemarrhena 12 grams to Qingxie Hyperactivity; sputum viscosity who Jiahai clam shell 15 grams, with phlegm; thirsty throat, plus TCS 15 grams to YangYinShengJin; asthma not lying, sputum Bay constipation, discretion Add Tinglizi 12 grams, 9 grams of rhubarb (later), Glauber’s salt 9 g (red), down are the gas purge; sputum smell those with Houttuynia 30 grams Yiyiren 15 grams, 15 grams of melon child, reed rhizome 30 grams to Qingfei detoxification.
6. Qiyinliangxu rule is: lungs Qi, YangYinShengJin.
Recipe: Shengmaisan Radix Ophiopogon Decoction.
Heterophylla 15 Kashagan Ref 12 Winter oats 12 g Schisandra 9 grams Lily Aster 10 g 12 g 10 Sanger Coltsfoot Flower White 12 grams subtraction with the disease: severe cough who, Jia Chuanbei 9 grams, 10 grams of almonds, one hundred Department 10 grams to Su lung Huatanzhike; afternoon, hot flashes, dysphoria hot, add Digupi 10 grams, 10 grams silver Bupleurum, to send fire Qingfei; eat less sugar, less fatigue by air to Radix, Radix, Astragalus 12 grams, 12 grams Atractylodes, Poria 10 grams, the spleen Qi.
7 spleen deficiency rule is: Warming spleen, qi asthma.
Recipe: Shen Qi Pills Liujunzi nine addition and subtraction.
Cooked tuber 9 g cinnamon 5 g Rehmannia Cornus 6 g 12 g 15 g yam drug diarrhea 10 g Poria 12 Keze Citrus 6 g Pinellia 9 grams Codonopsis 15 grams Atractylodes 9 grams plus or minus 5 grams of licorice with the disease: partial virtual yin , throat dry mouth, backache urinate red are to tuber, flesh hanging, plus Zhimu 9 grams, Cork 9 grams, Radix 9 grams, the yin convergence lung; virtual non-qi, breathlessness is particularly moving, sweating, cold extremities, plus Ginseng 9 g, keel 30 grams of oysters, 30 grams, amethyst 15 grams, “the Council” black tin Dan 6 grams (including fry), with qi Dingchuan.

1. Pinellia exposed each 15 ml, 3 times a day.
2. Expectorant Spirit each 30 ml, 3 times a day.
3. Guben cough tablets 3 tablets, 3 times a day.

Simple square
1. Chuanbei powder 3 to 6 grams of warm water to swallow, 2 times a day for cough and phlegm.

2 white nuts 3 grams, 3 grams almonds, Shuijianbi, 1 fried.

Physically weak persons for chronic cough.

Other therapies
Acupuncture: Acupuncture Feishu, Ze-foot, days of the conflict, Hong Leong and other points, reinforcing-reducing, needle for 20 minutes.
Umbilical paste method: Cang Gui powder (Xanthium 5 grams, 2.5 grams of cinnamon, cloves public 2 grams of ephedrine 12 grams, Asarum 5 grams Mustard Seed 3 grams, 2.5 grams Wu Ying, poppy 2 grams borneol 0.5 grams of research to fine) and mix thoroughly with the total amount of ginger to fill after the umbilical, the cover tape seals. 2 to 5 dressing 1, 10 times as a course of treatment.
Point-injection method: the use of nuclear casein injection, take the bilateral foot Ze, Zusanli, alternating injection of nuclear casein, each 0.5 ml per hole, 2 to 5 days 1. 8 weeks for a course of treatment.
Food therapy: Yiyiren 50 grams, 15 grams of almonds, wash mashed, add appropriate amount of boiled into soup, add crystal sugar, divided 2 doses morning and evening. For chronic bronchitis, cough, sputum, poor appetite, chest tightness.

1. Bronchitis is a clinical common and frequently occurring. After the disease should be treated. Without timely diagnosis and treatment, persistent cough, prone to cause chronic bronchitis.
2 Note that cold and warm, room to keep fresh air circulating. Flee toxic gases.
3 smoking, improving environmental hygiene to prevent air pollution.