Migraine Headaches
Male, the body weak, the recent repeated colds and cough, and caused the right side of migraine headaches, extends within the head and right corner of the eye pain. Multiple medications, cough better, headache more. Hospital neurology examination, the brain no abnormalities, diagnosed as nervous headache. Sick long time to now, more giant headache. Flare flustered shortness of breath, and claims that have become incurable. Check: body lean, orbital retraction, whole body lack the storm, eating poorly satisfied, sleep less, right head refused by, moving the sweating, palpitations, abdominal soft, liver and spleen are not touched, pulse string is weak, thin white fur . Dialectical analysis of physical elements is weak, repeated colds, Yin Ye damage more injuries qi, qi Without a solid foundation in this table, then the sweating, Yinxue not wing where the heart palpitations. The qi run blocked, blood block headache. It is part of a headache in the left side of Yangming and Shaoyang 2 channel after. Weak of the body a long time, how can prickly, throw a little thorn in order to go through the evil, the latter with the “self-comb friction” to pass notes.
Prescription: zhangzhu, toulingqie, shuigu and Tianyou.
After Treatment: The save #30 needle points upward from the flat 9-inch thorns, and then from the rate of backward-Ping Gu hole one-inch thorns, from beginning level clinical weep hole up one-inch thorns, and finally pierce straight into the hole 8 points Tianyou, gillTianyou waiting Needle sink too tight qi, fly away with a ring qi law, the thumb forward, index finger backwards, Jinnie needle handle, forced flying fast turn circle (ie, a ring), so that limits needle up to the end of , spread to the head, and then to make patients with a fresh, medium, anonymous, little finger hands eight fingers, in the headache area and the nearby fast-comb Mount 100 times. Treatment of 24 times patients headaches disappear. Follow-up year, nor recurrence.
Disease in patients starting in the cold physically weak, but also wrong to over-use clear solution, the more clear solution of the body more virtual, physical loss of the more virtual the qi transportation, meridian block, resulting in headaches, because patients who are physically weak thin, multi-barbed not Therefore, taking only four points, with the self-comb friction to enhance blood flow, strong circulation. Open the blocked qi, and then pass the congestion of the vein, not painful because no more block of Qi.